Serving as a page in the Kansas Legislature for Rep. Tim JohnsonWe are accepting applications for the 2025 session after elect. You are welcome to contact Rep. Johnson for information on the process. It is best to e-mail at [email protected]. Please enjoy looking at photos of some of our pages as they served during the various sessions. |
The Page program is designed for students in middle school, junior high or the first years of high school. Working as a page in the Kansas Legislature is an excellent way to learn more about the legislative process. Because of his experience as a teacher, Mr. Johnson believes the "hands on" chance to view government is a valuable learning tool.
To experience the opportunity of serving as a page, contact Mr. Johnson to submit your name as a candidate. He would prefer that students take the initiative to contact him through telephone, mail or e-mail, rather than having parents contact him.
Representatives get 10 pages for an entire legislative session. Legislative page dates are assigned to legislators on a first-come, first-serve basis during the first week of session. Available openings fill up quickly so it is advisable to get your request to your legislator as far in advance as possible.
When contacting Representative Johnson, provide brief information about honors, awards and why you are interested in serving as a page. Dates of availability will also be helpful.
To experience the opportunity of serving as a page, contact Mr. Johnson to submit your name as a candidate. He would prefer that students take the initiative to contact him through telephone, mail or e-mail, rather than having parents contact him.
Representatives get 10 pages for an entire legislative session. Legislative page dates are assigned to legislators on a first-come, first-serve basis during the first week of session. Available openings fill up quickly so it is advisable to get your request to your legislator as far in advance as possible.
When contacting Representative Johnson, provide brief information about honors, awards and why you are interested in serving as a page. Dates of availability will also be helpful.
- Pages are expected to dress (dress clothes) and act in an appropriate manner.
- Pages receive a $5.00 pay voucher redeemable at the Statehouse snack bar. Rep Johnson will also provide for lunch.
- Pages receive a certificate of appreciation signed by the sponsoring legislator and will receive time to meet with him during the day if possible.
- Pages receive a photo with the sponsoring legislator as a memento of their service.
- We may often try to pair pages up with friends or school mates to enhance the day.
- Qualifications: recommended to be 12 years of age or older.