2021-2022 Children & Seniors Committee
(This Committee was discontinued after 2022 and divided
into two other committees)
Chair Vice Chair Ranking Minority Member Members
Children and Seniors
Legislation 2022 Session
Bills, Resolutions and Appointments
Bills In Committee
SB83 - Allowing certain exceptions to the confidentiality of state child death review board documents.
SB85 - Requiring notification to the governor and the legislature of missing foster care youth.
HB2004 - Creating the right to appeal an involuntary discharge or transfer from an adult residential care facility.
HB2271 - Permitting the court to exercise jurisdiction over children in need of care and adult children in need of care to extend or re-enter custody of the secretary for children and families until 21 years of age.
HB2283 - Concerning state benefit requirements and limitations for the temporary assistance for needy families program.
HB2338 - Establishing a pilot program in the department for children and families to assist children in the custody of the secretary in obtaining a driver's license.
HB2468 - Creating the Kansas foster youth bill of rights.
HB2469 - Enacting the Kansas foster parents bill of rights.
HB2524 - Requiring the secretary for aging and disability services to regulate supplemental nursing services agencies in the state of Kansas.
HB2543 - Expanding eligibility for Kansas senior care act services to include Kansas residents younger than 60 years of age with younger-onset Alzheimer's disease.
HB2582 - Directing the Kansas department for children and families to share certain information with investigating law enforcement agencies.
Sponsored Bills
HB2062 - Providing certain exceptions to the confidentiality of state child death review board documents.
HB2114 - Establishing the senior care task force, a definition of financial exploitation and Kansas elder and dependent adult abuse multidisciplinary team coordinator and teams, requiring additional mandatory reporters, increasing investigation days for reports of abuse, neglect and financial exploitation of certain adults and directing the department for children and families to inform certain chief administrative officers of substantiated findings of such reports.
HB2115 - Establishing the joint committee on child welfare system oversight.
HB2116 - Exempting the caregiver of a child in state out-of-home placement from the child care assistance 20-hour-per-week work requirement.
HB2149 - Permitting an internal panel in the department for children and families to permit individuals in certain circumstances who have been convicted of certain crimes to reside, work or regularly volunteer at family foster homes licensed by the secretary.
HB2150 - Creating a definition of financial exploitation, requiring additional mandatory reporters, increasing investigation days for reports of abuse, neglect and financial exploitation of certain adults and directing the department for children and families to inform certain chief administrative officers of substantiated findings of such reports.
HB2151 - Creating Kansas elder and dependent adult abuse multidisciplinary teams and a coordinator.
HB2283 - Concerning state benefit requirements and limitations for the temporary assistance for needy families program.
HB2338 - Establishing a pilot program in the department for children and families to assist children in the custody of the secretary in obtaining a driver's license.
HB2371 - Removing cooperation with child support from requirements for food and child care assistance and exempting adults enrolled in school from the 20-hour-per-week work requirement for child care assistance.
HB2490 - Authorizing the state treasurer to determine account owners and designated beneficiaries for an ABLE savings account, adding who may open such an account and requiring compliance with the federal internal revenue code.
HB2524 - Requiring the secretary for aging and disability services to regulate supplemental nursing services agencies in the state of Kansas.
HB2525 - Removing non-cooperation with child support from requirements for food and child care assistance eligibility and exempting adults enrolled in school from the 20-hour-per-week work requirement for child care assistance eligibility for a limited time.
HB2543 - Expanding eligibility for Kansas senior care act services to include Kansas residents younger than 60 years of age with younger-onset Alzheimer's disease.
HB2582 - Directing the Kansas department for children and families to share certain information with investigating law enforcement agencies.
Bills In Committee
SB83 - Allowing certain exceptions to the confidentiality of state child death review board documents.
SB85 - Requiring notification to the governor and the legislature of missing foster care youth.
HB2004 - Creating the right to appeal an involuntary discharge or transfer from an adult residential care facility.
HB2271 - Permitting the court to exercise jurisdiction over children in need of care and adult children in need of care to extend or re-enter custody of the secretary for children and families until 21 years of age.
HB2283 - Concerning state benefit requirements and limitations for the temporary assistance for needy families program.
HB2338 - Establishing a pilot program in the department for children and families to assist children in the custody of the secretary in obtaining a driver's license.
HB2468 - Creating the Kansas foster youth bill of rights.
HB2469 - Enacting the Kansas foster parents bill of rights.
HB2524 - Requiring the secretary for aging and disability services to regulate supplemental nursing services agencies in the state of Kansas.
HB2543 - Expanding eligibility for Kansas senior care act services to include Kansas residents younger than 60 years of age with younger-onset Alzheimer's disease.
HB2582 - Directing the Kansas department for children and families to share certain information with investigating law enforcement agencies.
Sponsored Bills
HB2062 - Providing certain exceptions to the confidentiality of state child death review board documents.
HB2114 - Establishing the senior care task force, a definition of financial exploitation and Kansas elder and dependent adult abuse multidisciplinary team coordinator and teams, requiring additional mandatory reporters, increasing investigation days for reports of abuse, neglect and financial exploitation of certain adults and directing the department for children and families to inform certain chief administrative officers of substantiated findings of such reports.
HB2115 - Establishing the joint committee on child welfare system oversight.
HB2116 - Exempting the caregiver of a child in state out-of-home placement from the child care assistance 20-hour-per-week work requirement.
HB2149 - Permitting an internal panel in the department for children and families to permit individuals in certain circumstances who have been convicted of certain crimes to reside, work or regularly volunteer at family foster homes licensed by the secretary.
HB2150 - Creating a definition of financial exploitation, requiring additional mandatory reporters, increasing investigation days for reports of abuse, neglect and financial exploitation of certain adults and directing the department for children and families to inform certain chief administrative officers of substantiated findings of such reports.
HB2151 - Creating Kansas elder and dependent adult abuse multidisciplinary teams and a coordinator.
HB2283 - Concerning state benefit requirements and limitations for the temporary assistance for needy families program.
HB2338 - Establishing a pilot program in the department for children and families to assist children in the custody of the secretary in obtaining a driver's license.
HB2371 - Removing cooperation with child support from requirements for food and child care assistance and exempting adults enrolled in school from the 20-hour-per-week work requirement for child care assistance.
HB2490 - Authorizing the state treasurer to determine account owners and designated beneficiaries for an ABLE savings account, adding who may open such an account and requiring compliance with the federal internal revenue code.
HB2524 - Requiring the secretary for aging and disability services to regulate supplemental nursing services agencies in the state of Kansas.
HB2525 - Removing non-cooperation with child support from requirements for food and child care assistance eligibility and exempting adults enrolled in school from the 20-hour-per-week work requirement for child care assistance eligibility for a limited time.
HB2543 - Expanding eligibility for Kansas senior care act services to include Kansas residents younger than 60 years of age with younger-onset Alzheimer's disease.
HB2582 - Directing the Kansas department for children and families to share certain information with investigating law enforcement agencies.